South African Visa Regulations for Travelling Children Postponed For Now

We have some important (and good!) news for parents planning to come to Cape Town… Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba announced this week that the two visa regulations for visitors travelling with children will be postponed until 1 June 2015.

The new visa regulations have been causing a lot of concern among travellers, accommodation operators, travel agents and many others within the tourism industry. You can read more about these regulations in the post we did on South Africa visa regulations to read the full list of proposed changes.

Not surprisingly, many are breathing a sigh of relief that, for now anyway, there is some breathing room to get prepared for such a major set of travel regulations.

South African visa regulations

SA Travel Regulations for Children Postponed to June 2015

Regulations that have been postponed relate directly to travelling with minors, and include the requirement that all travelling children must have an unabridged birth certificate and a further requirement that written permission from both parents or guardian(s) is needed to authorise the child’s ability to travel.

“We have granted the postponement of these two particular requirements — the unabridged birth certificate and written permission, to June 1, 2015,” Minister Gigaba is quoted as stating to reporters during his announcement. The regulations were originally set to be put into place in July 2014, but were postponed until October 2014 before being pushed back again to 2015.

So far there is no word regarding additional visa regulations that have been proposed, such as work visas, biometric visas and other related requirements. We are keeping our ears and eyes to the ground to find out further updates as they are announced. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please contact us via our website or chat to us on Facebook.

Are you relieved at the news of child travel regulations in South Africa being postponed? Share your comments below and let us know!


About The Author: Rox

Cape Town based copywriter, blogger, baker of cookies, seeker of calm and maker of things.
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